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We are looking for the next group of parent volunteers to step up and join our board by the end of our regular season. BLL is a community organization that is 100 percent volunteer run, bringing baseball and softball to our neighborhood kids for 70 years.

Family and friends, just like you, work together to organize each season. But as veteran players age out of the league, we lose volunteers including board members. Each year, we have a mix of new, returning and exiting board members. Volunteers do everything including schedule fields, order uniforms, coordinate umpires, oversee each division and order equipment. We could not run Ballard Little League without our Board! 

The time requirement varies, but we have a large Board to make sure we spread the work over dozens of volunteers. We meet monthly at Ballard Elks, and you don’t need to be an expert in baseball or softball to contribute - you just need to be dedicated to working together to ensure our players have a great experience. 

Here are the positions open, ideally to start this spring to shadow current volunteers and take over for the 2024-25 season:

  • Special Events Coordinator - plan details of events like jamboree (March) and the year end picnic (June)
  • Summer Ball - oversee/plan our baseball and softball summer league (most of work is in May-June, no need to be around all summer)
  • Uniform Manager - order uniforms and hats before the season and handle All Stars uniforms
  • Field Maintenance Manager - work with City of Seattle and board VPs to stock gear boxes on fields, handle field set up needs, put up and maintain batting cages and fences.  

Want to learn more? Please contact the board at [email protected] 

If you are interested in volunteering as a Team Manager, Head Coach, Assistant Coach or Score Keeper (for AA teams and above) registration is available online via the link below.   

Ballard Little League has game day umpire opportunities for both adults who are able to donate their time and for juniors(ages 12 to 17) who are looking for community serve hours or get paid. No experience is required to participate in the Ballard Little League umpire program.  Umpire training, resources and equipment will be provide. More information may be found on the Umpire Page

Since 1954, the BLL Board has been run by community volunteers. Family members and friends, just like you, work together to organize each season.  Each year, as new players come into the league and veteran players exit out, we have a mix of new, returning and exiting volunteers.  This includes coachesboard members and umpires.  In a typical season, we will have 30 teams with 2-3 coaches each, 20 board members and over 30 umpires.  In total, it takes around 200 volunteers to run each season and we are always in need of parents and community members to assist BLL.  Volunteering on the Board, as a coach or an umpire is a ton of fun and very rewarding.   Please consider joining our league as a volunteer.


Ballard Little League Volunteers, who are NOT RELATED to a SPECIFIC TEAM or PLAYER for the current season, such as, JR. Umpires, Umpires, Coaches, or any other volunteers should register below to complete the Volunteer Application which will initiate the background check. The background check link will be emailed within 24hrs of completing the volunteer application.

All Coaches and Board Members must complete the Little League Diamond Leader Training. This training only needs to be completed one time. Please email your certificate to [email protected]

All Volunteers must complete the annual Little League Abuse Awareness Training each season. Please email your certificate to [email protected]

All Adult and Junior Umpires will need to complete the Little League Umpire Training Course prior to working any umpire positions (other mandatory training will also need to be completed before working a game, training dates will be provided via by the end of January). Please email your certificate to [email protected]

Please email [email protected] if you need additional assistance.

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Volunteer and Umpire Registration 2025

Head Coach 
Assistant Coach
Board Member
Team Parent
Non-Coach Volunteer

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