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Parent Code of Conduct

The following Code of Conduct is designed to instill and maintain the highest level of sportsmanship, integrity, fairness and professionalism in the Ballard Little League Program.  All parents (and guests) accept responsibility for adhering to the Code of Conduct.

  1. I agree to cheer, let the coaches coach, let the umpires ump and let the players play.
  2. I agree to respect the schedules of the coaches and teammates by having my ballplayer arrive on time for practices and games and will notify my coach if my ballplayer will arrive late or not able to attend.
  3. I agree to be a positive role model and will not engage in public displays of anger.
  4. I (and my guests) will be a positive role model for my child and encourage sportsmanship by showing respect and courtesy, and by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, officials, board members and spectators at every game, practice or sporting event.
  5. I will not attempt, threaten, or engage in any physical or verbal attack upon an official, board member, manager, coach, player, volunteer, or spectator.
  6. I will not force my child to participate in sports. I will remember that children participate to have fun and that the game is for youth, not adults.
  7. I agree to respect coaching decisions regarding playing time, position and placement and will refrain from coaching any player.
  8. I (and my guests) will not engage in any kind of unsportsmanlike conduct with any official, coach, player, board member or parent such as but not limited to: booing and taunting, refusing to shake hands, or using profane language or gestures.
  9. I (and my guests) will not approach players or coaches before, during or immediately after games with anything other than support. All questions/concerns regarding players or coaches will be addressed the day after the game in an atmosphere conducive to problem solving.
  10. I agree to submit, in writing, to the League Board of Directors complaints regarding: violation of rules, questionable conduct such as abusive behavior by a player, coach or fan and irreconcilable personality conflicts within 72 hours of the event in question.
  11. I will inform the coach of any physical disability or ailment that may affect the safety of my child or the safety of others.
  12. I will learn the rules of the game and the policies of the league.
  13. I will never ridicule or yell at my child or other participants for making a mistake or losing a competition.
  14. I will refrain from coaching my child or other players during games and practices, unless I am one of the official coaches of the team.
  15. I (and my guests) will not bring tobacco, alcohol, illegal drugs, or firearms to practices or games.
  16. I will be responsible for my trash and will help by doing my part to keep the complex clean and litter free.

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